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Debugging and Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Resources : Log Entry Types Detail : Query information logging : Query statistics : Number of available records in the query
Number of available records in the query
It is useful to know the number of available records in the query:
*In the context of a FOR block or a REPEAT loop on a query, this is the number of records the ABL program accessed through a buffer.
*For a browse object on a static or dynamic query, this is the number of records fetched to populate the browse.
Consider this figure in light of other statistical data, such as blocks accessed, or records sent by the server, to determine the efficiency of the query. For example:
*If used in a FOR or static PRESELECT block with no repositioning, the figure accurately reflects the number of records that satisfy the following search criteria:

FOR EACH customer WHERE customer.custnum < 5
There are four customers.
*If a program repositions the query, or leaves a block before it fetches all records that satisfy the criteria, the figure is not a true measure of the number of matching records.