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Debugging and Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Resources : Log Entry Types Detail : Event logging : Event message formats : Format 3: pushed on to the stack/popped off the stack
Format 3: pushed on to the stack/popped off the stack
When an event is either pushed onto or popped off of the stack, logged messages contain the following information:
*IdentifierPush or Pop.
*Event name — For example, LEAVE. For a keystroke, the entry includes the key name and associated event, if appropriate.
*Widget information — Type (BUTTON, for example), name, and handle ID of the object, when available.
*Procedure name — Name of the procedure that created the object (not available in all cases).
Here are some sample Format 3 log entries:
[05/10/31@13:00:00.098-0400] P-000001 T-000002 2 4GL PROEVENTS PUSH ENTRY
BUTTON button-1 Handle:1564 myproc.p
[05/10/31@13:00:00.098-0400] P-000001 T-000002 2 4GL PROEVENTS PUSH ENTRY
BUTTON Handle:1987
[05/10/31@12:19:54.023-0400] P-005805 T-005881 2 4GL PROEVENTS PUSH CTRL-F
FILL-IN X Handle:1000 test.p
[05/10/31@12:20:45.054-0400] P-005805 T-005881 2 4GL PROEVENTS PUSH F6 (NEXT-FRAME)
FILL-IN X test.p
[05/10/31@13:00:00.098-0400] P-000001 T-000002 2 4GL PROEVENTS POP ENTRY
BUTTON Handle:1987