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Debugging and Troubleshooting
OpenEdge Debugger : Starting and Stopping the Debugger : Debugging in attachable mode

Debugging in attachable mode

Starting the Debugger, then attaching to a debug-ready client process, runs the Debugger in attachable mode. Be sure to read Attachable mode .
To start the Debugger in attachable mode, follow the instructions below, based on your platform:
*Windows — From the Start menu, choose Programs > OpenEdge > Debugger.
*UNIX — Change directory (cd) to $DLC/bin. At the prompt, type proDebugger.
When you start the Debugger in attachable mode, the user interface appears the same as in other modes. However, the only options available are:
*To make changes to preferences use the Preferences dialog box. For more information on the Preferences dialog box, see Preferencesdialog box.
*To attach the Debugger to a process use the Attach to Process dialog box. For more information on the Attach to Process dialog box, see Attachto Process dialog box .
For more information on making a process ready for debugging, see Making the process ready for debugging.
* Detaching from the process