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Troubleshooting Resources : Log Entry Types Detail : Database connection logging

Database connection logging

Specifying the database connection (DB.Connects) log entry type turns on logging of database connections (connects and disconnects). The messages include database name and user ID number. Information is logged at logging level 2 (Basic) and higher.
Log entries generated for this type contain the tag CONN. An example of database connection logging messages (with headers suppressed) is shown:
CONN Connected to database sports, single user. (9542)
CONN Disconnecting from database sports, single user. (9544)
The default for AppServer is ASPlumbing and DB.Connects. Generally, these log entry types are together in an AppServer log. For example:
AS Starting application server for asbroker1. (5560)
AS Application Server Startup. (5473)
CONN Connected to database sports, single user. (9542)
AS Shutdown request received. (5465)
AS Application Server Shutdown. (5476)
CONN Disconnecting from database sports, single user. (9544)