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WebClient Applications
Designing Security : Digitally signing files : Making Microsoft signing tools available to OpenEdge

Making Microsoft signing tools available to OpenEdge

The WebClient Application Assembler for OpenEdge requires you to identify the location of these signing tools so that it can make use of the tools when signing the cabinet files digitally. The WebClient Application Assembler requires you to enter the path to the signing tools when generating the application. If you make the signing tools available to the WebClient Application Assembler, the WebClient Application Assembler can detect the location of the signing tools and pre-populate this path for you.
To make the signing tools available to OpenEdge:
1. Download and install the latest Microsoft Windows SDK from the Microsoft site (if you do not wish to perform a full install, make sure you install signtool.exe, pvk2pfx.exe and optionally makecert.exe).
2. Set one of the following environment variables for OpenEdge to identify the location of the tools:
*"%WindowsSDKDir% to identify the Windows SDK installation directory. The WebClient Application Assembler looks for the signing tools in %WindowsSDKDir%\bin.
*%OE_SIGNING_DIR% if you have more than one Windows SDK installed, or if setting the %WindowsSDKDir% environment variable might conflict with other applications.