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WebClient Applications
Developing the Application : Using the CODEBASE-LOCATOR handle and its attributes : Additional attribute

Additional attribute

The following table lists an additional attribute of the CODEBASE-LOCATOR handle.
Table 4. Additional attribute of the CODEBASE-LOCATOR handle
Data type
Handle to the AppServer that WebClient should use to perform the next application-component download.Initialized to the Unknown value (?).
At startup, WebClient initializes SERVER to the Unknown value (?).
The main purpose of this is to use the same AppServer connection for accessing business logic as for downloading as-needed components. To do this, the application sets the SERVER attribute once the AppServer connection is established.
If SERVER is not set by the application, then, after WebClient downloads the first as-needed component, WebClient sets SERVER to the value of the AppServer's handle if all of the following are true:
*The server's TYPE is "AppServer"
*At least one as-needed component remains to be downloaded