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WebClient Applications
Your End Users' Experience : WebClient Application Manager : WebClient tab

WebClient tab

If the user runs WebClient Application Manager in WebClient mode, the manager appears with the WebClient tab selected. When a user runs the manager, it now shows all Administrator instances of WebClient on the machine, but only that user's personal instances of WebClient.
The manager differentiates between the two installation types by showing personal instances in grey text. On 64-bit Windows platforms, the manager identifies the 64-bit WebClient versions by adding a (x64) suffix to the WebClient version.
In this example, the WebClient Tab displays a 64-bit Administrator install of 11.4 WebClient, a Personal install of 10.2B WebClient and an Administrator install of 10.1C WebClient.
The WebClient tab includes the System Settings controls, enabling the end user to view and edit the current settings for the application directory, whether or not the persistent authentication cache is enabled, and the host and port of a proxy server if the user's system must connect to your Web server through an HTTP-based proxy server (firewall). If the user provided the proxy host and port during WebClient installation, these fields display them as the initial values. If the current user does not have write access for the selected instance, the manager does not enable the values for editing.
The user can modify these settings as follows:
*Application Dir — Allows users to change the directory on their system where a WebClient application is installed by default. The users would change this directory when there is not enough space on the drive initially specified by the user for the application installation.
*Proxy Host — Allows the user to set or change the name or IP address of the host for the user's firewall. This option appends the -proxyhost startup parameter with the associated host information to the list of startup parameters used to execute WebClient.
*Proxy Port — Allows the user to set or change the port for the user's firewall. This option appends the -proxyport startup parameter with the associated port information to the list of startup parameters used to execute WebClient.
*Persistent Authentication Cache — Indicates if the proxy server authentication information is cached. You can use the Clear Cache button to clear the registry entries for the associated security cache.
Clearing the cache is permanent and cannot be undone.