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Managing ABL Applications
Preface : Typographical conventions

Typographical conventions

This documentation uses the following typographical and syntax conventions:
Bold typeface indicates commands or characters the user types, provides emphasis, or the names of user interface elements.
Italic typeface indicates the title of a document, or signifies new terms.
Small, bold capital letters indicate OpenEdge key functions and generic keyboard keys; for example, GET and CTRL.
A plus sign between key names indicates a simultaneous key sequence: you press and hold down the first key while pressing the second key. For example, CTRL+X.
A space between key names indicates a sequential key sequence: you press and release the first key, then press another key. For example, ESCAPE H.
Fixed width
A fixed-width font is used in syntax, code examples, system output, and file names.
Fixed-width italics
Fixed-width italics indicate variables in syntax.
Fixed-width bold
Fixed-width bold italic indicates variables in syntax with special emphasis.
UPPERCASE fixed width
ABL keywords in syntax and code examples are almost always shown in upper case. Although shown in uppercase, you can type ABL keywords in either uppercase or lowercase in a procedure or class.
Period (.) or colon (:)
All statements except DO, FOR, FUNCTION, PROCEDURE, and REPEAT end with a period. DO, FOR, FUNCTION, PROCEDURE, and REPEAT statements can end with either a period or a colon.
[ ]
Large brackets indicate the items within them are optional.
[ ]
Small brackets are part of ABL.
{ }
Large braces indicate the items within them are required. They are used to simplify complex syntax diagrams.
{ }
Small braces are part of ABL. For example, a called external procedure must use braces when referencing arguments passed by a calling procedure.
A vertical bar indicates a choice.
Ellipses indicate repetition: you can choose one or more of the preceding items.