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Managing ABL Applications
ABL and R-code Deployment and Management : Managing Client Performance : Procedure loading and execution : R-code execution environment : Tuning r-code execution
Tuning r-code execution
The following table lists the parameters you use to tune the r-code execution environment for a session.
Table 21. Startup parameters for tuning the execution environment
Startup parameter
Suggested use
Maximum Memory (-mmax)
Use this parameter to set the initial execution buffer ceiling; the default is 3096K. OpenEdge increases the execution buffer dynamically as required, but only after attempting to swap segments to the r-code swap file. Increase this parameter to minimize swapping I/O.
Directory Size (-D)
Use this parameter to set the initial number of r-code directory entries. OpenEdge can reuse directory entries for inactive r-code files. However, reusing an entry requires some overhead. To reduce this overhead, increase the value of the -D parameter. The default is 100 entries, the minimum is 5 entries, and the maximum is 2,147,483,647 entries.
Stack size (-s)
When you load data definitions for very large tables or use recursive procedures, you might receive an error message directing you to increase this parameter. This parameter changes the size of the stack (an internal memory area used by OpenEdge program modules).
Nested Blocks (-nb)
If memory is severely limited, use this parameter to limit the maximum number of nested procedure blocks allowed.
For more information about these startup parameters, see OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.