A PROTERMCAP entry is a single logical line that contains many fields. The syntax for an entry is as follows:
Each field is terminated by a colon (:). (Use the octal equivalent \072 to specify a colon that is not a terminator.)
Unless stated otherwise, a field cannot contain embedded separators. Spaces and tabs improve readability, but they are considered empty fields and must be terminated by a colon.
Comment lines begin with a pound sign (#), and can only occur at the beginning and end of each PROTERMCAP terminal entry (that is, before the terminal name line and after the pointer to key functions line).
To enhance readability, the PROTERMCAP file, as installed, contains as many physical lines as there are fields. Each physical line in the entry contains the following, in the order listed:
An empty field consisting of a tab character
A field definition
A backslash (\)
A return
The backslash indicates that the terminal entry continues on the next physical line of the file. If you need to include a literal backslash in a field, use two backslashes.
The following code fragment from the entry for the Wyse 370 shows the use of the colon, tab, space, backslash, and return characters: