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Managing ABL Applications
ABL and R-code Deployment and Management : Managing Procedure Libraries : Generating a memory-mapped library : Extracting files to your current directory
Extracting files to your current directory
When extracting a file with the -yank parameter, PROLIB discards everything but the filename from the file's pathname. For example, if you added a file using the pathname /usr/apps/proc1.r, PROLIB discards /usr/apps from the pathname and places proc1.r in your current working directory.
This is the syntax for the PROLIB command to extract files from a library using the -yank parameter:
Operating system
UNIX Windows
prolib library-name
-yank file-name [file-name]...
Specifies the name of the library with the file you want to extract.
Specifies the name of the file. You can specify more than one file at a time.