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ABL and R-code Deployment and Management : Managing Procedure Libraries : Generating a memory-mapped library : Compressing a standard library
Compressing a standard library
This is the syntax for the PROLIB command to compress a standard library:
Operating system
UNIX Windows
prolib library-name -compress
Specifies the name of the library you are compressing. The -compress parameter removes extra spaces that occur in the library as a result of repeated adds or deletes.
To compress a library, PROLIB creates a temporary file that requires an area of disk space equal to the size of the compressed library. Before compressing a library, make sure you have enough disk space for the temporary file. Temporary files have names that begin with the letters PLB, followed by numbers and possibly letters.
If your system goes down during a compress operation, the temporary file might remain on your disk. Delete this file to free up disk space. The original library will not be damaged.
Repeated adds create empty spaces in the library over time. To minimize the rate at which these empty spaces are created, you can use one command instead of many. For example, instead of entering the following commands:
prolib -add test.r
prolib -add test2.r
prolib -add test3.r
Enter this command:
prolib -add test*.r
You can use the -list parameter to determine how much space in your library is unused.