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Managing ABL Applications
Deployment Utilities and Scripts : _tlr Module

_tlr Module

Changes the default values of environment variables as defined in various scripts.


_tlr var-namereplace-valuefile-name...
_tlr var-namereplace-value -< file-list
The first syntax format processes one file at a time. The second processes a list of files read from a file.
A constant character string that identifies the environment variable whose value you want to modify.
A constant character string that identifies the new default value of the environment variable.
The name of the file in which you want to modify the default value of the environment variable.
The name of a file containing a list of filenames in which you want to modify the value of the environment variable.


Several of the scripts provided with OpenEdge name the DLC environment variable, as follows:
In this example, if the value of the DLC environment variable has been defined, the script uses the value of that variable. Otherwise, it uses /usr/dlc as the value of DLC.
To change the default value of the DLC variable to /tmp/dlc in a script named test.dat, use this command:
_tlr DLC /tmp/dlc test.dat
This command changes the environment variable line in test.dat from: