CURRVAL returns the current value of a sequence, and uses the following syntax to reference the current value of a sequence.
Specifies the schema that contains the sequence. To refer to the current value of a sequence in the schema of another user, you must have SELECT object privilege on the sequence.
Specifies the name of the sequence whose current value you want.
The SELECT list of a SELECT statement not contained in a subquery or view
The SELECT list of a subquery in an INSERT statement
The VALUES clause of an INSERT statement
The SET clause of an UPDATE statement
CURRVAL cannot be used in:
A query of a view
A SELECT statement with a GROUP BY clause that references a sequence
A SELECT statement with an ORDER BY clause that references a sequence
A SELECT statement that is combined with another SELECT statement with the UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS set operator
The WHERE clause of a SELECT or UPDATE statement
The DEFAULT value of a column in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement
The condition of a CHECK constraint
In the following example, the OpenEdge SQL sequence generator returns the current value of the customer sequence:
SELECT customer_sequence.CURRVAL FROM pub.customer;