Defines a tenant for a multi-tenant database. It also allocates database resources in the existing multi-tenant tables.
Defines a super-tenant for a multi-tenant database. A super-tenant is a user who can access and maintain data for any tenant defined in the multi-tenant database. There can be multiple super-tenant users created within a single database.
The multi-tenant database resources are not allocated automatically when you create a super-tenant. Privileges of a regular tenant, such as creating, selecting, inserting, updating, or deleting database objects are also applicable to the super-tenant.
The syntax for creating a super-tenant is given below:
CREATE SUPER_TENANT super_tenant_name[ PRO_DESCRIPTION value ];
Specifies the name of the super-tenant. You must ensure that the name is unique within the set of tenants in a database.
Allows you to enter an ABL description. The value attribute is an arbitrary character string.
The following example shows how to create a SUPER_TENANTtenantadmin: