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DataServer for Microsoft SQL Server
Connecting the DataServer : Connection failures and OpenEdge responses : Accessing the DataServer log : Restrictions on dynamic changes to log file
Restrictions on dynamic changes to log file
When the client and server share the same log file in self-service mode, the LOG-MANAGER system handle is available to allow the log file to be managed. However, when self-service DataServers don't share the same log file with the client, or if the DataServer is run in client-server mode, the server log file is likely to exist among other servers writing to the same log simultaneously. For this reason, dynamic changes to the log file, such as renaming or closing the log file, are restricted for all server log file contexts. The one exception is the CLEAR-LOG(_) function which is allowed only if no other process than the one initiating the CLEAR-LOG(_) is writing to the log file simultaneously.