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DataServer for Microsoft SQL Server
Additional Features to Enhance DataServer Performance : Connection pooling : Firehose, Firehose block, and Fast Forward-Only Cursors : Fast Forward-Only cursors
Fast Forward-Only cursors
When a firehose cursor cannot be used, the DataServer attempts to use a Fast Forward-Only (FFO) cursor with Auto-Fetch and Auto-Close attributes. FFO cursors are the server-side equivalent of firehose cursors. FFO cursors have special optimization characteristics that distinguish them from other server-side cursors. They require a minimum of server-side resources and are capable of minimizing round trips to the server. FFO cursors are an extension to the ODBC specification and are unique to ODBC drivers that conform to Microsoft SQL Server driver requirements. The Auto-Fetch attribute directs the server to return the initial block of results in the same network message that provided the SQL request to be executed by the server. The Auto-close attribute directs the server to automatically close the cursor on the same round trip in which the last query result is received by the client.
Note: Result sets that include text or image columns cause an implicit conversion from an FFO to a dynamic cursor type. These are columns that translate through ODBC to SQL LONGVARCHAR and LONGVARBINARY data types.