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SQL Development
Data Control Language and Security : Working with database security : Comparing OpenEdge SQL and ABL security : OpenEdge SQL security
OpenEdge SQL security
OpenEdge SQL is a closed system and always requires a user identification and password to allow database access. When the SQL DBA assigns a user ID and password, the user has access to the database, but is unable to access or manipulate data until the DBA specifically grants privileges.
The DBA uses SQL to grant different types of privileges. The DBA may choose to grant all users unlimited capabilities. However, privileges are usually restricted, allowing users the ability to retrieve, update, or delete only that data needed to perform their assigned jobs.
Privileges assigned by the SQL DBA are enforced only when the user accesses the database through a SQL client. If a user has the ability to access the database through either SQL or ABL clients, the DBA should ensure the user has been granted identical SQL privileges and ABL permissions.