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SQL Development
Stored Procedures and Triggers : Writing stored procedures : Using the OpenEdge SQL Java classes : Assigning null values from SQL result sets: the SQLCursor.wasNULL method
Assigning null values from SQL result sets: the SQLCursor.wasNULL method
If the value of the field argument to the SQLCursor.getValue method is NULL, the SQL engine returns a run‑time error.
The following example illustrates the error returned when the argument to SQLCursor.getValue is NULL.
(error(-20144): Null value fetched.)
This means you must always check whether a value is null before attempting to assign a value in an SQL result set to a procedure variable or output parameter. The SQLCursor class provides the wasNULL method for this purpose.
The SQLCursor.wasNULL method returns TRUE if a field in the result set is null. It takes a single integer argument that specifies which field of the current row of the result set to check.
The following example illustrates using the wasNULL method.
CREATE PROCEDURE test_nulls2( )
RESULT ( res_int1 INTEGER ,
res_int2 INTEGER ,
res_int3 INTEGER )
Integer pvar_int1 = new Integer(0);
Integer pvar_int2 = new Integer(0);
Integer pvar_int3 = new Integer(0);
SQLCursor select_t1 = new SQLCursor
( "SELECT c1, c2, c3 from t1" );;
while ( select_t1.found() )
{// Assign values from the current row of the SQL result set
// to the pvar_intx procedure variables. Must first check
// whether the values fetched are null: if they are, must set
// pvars explicitly to null.
if ((select_t1.wasNULL(1)) == true)
pvar_int1 = null;
pvar_int1 = (Integer) select_t1.getValue(1, INTEGER);
if ((select_t1.wasNULL(2)) == true)
pvar_int2 = null;
pvar_int2 = (Integer) select_t1.getValue(2, INTEGER);
if ((select_t1.wasNULL(3)) == true)
pvar_int3 = null;
pvar_int3 = (Integer) select_t1.getValue(3, INTEGER);
// Transfer the value from the procedure variables to the
// columns of the current row of the procedure result set.
// Insert the row into the procedure result set.
}// Close the SQL result set.