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DataServer for Oracle
Additional Features to Enhance DataServer Performance : Setting the data-source result set retrieval option

Setting the data-source result set retrieval option

The DataServer provides a -Dsrv option, PRGRS_QUOTE_PROCTEXT, to specify how the proc-text-buffer pseudo table must access result sets in which each row is a long character string, that is, it specifies how to use proc-text-buffer for row results. For more information on proc-text-buffer and proc-text-buffer-q (with quoted text), see Using the OpenEdge-supplied proc-text-buffer for row results.
You can activate or deactivate the quoting behavior using the PRGRS_QUOTE_PROCTEXT option. The default value of this option is 0 (without quoted text). You can activate it by setting PRGRS_QUOTE_PROCTEXT option to 1.