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DataServer for Oracle
The DataServer Tutorial : Oracle Utilities menu

Oracle Utilities menu

The tools you need to create and maintain your Oracle DataServer schema are found on the DataServer > Oracle Utilities menu. The following table briefly describes the contents of the menu. The sections which follow will describe each item in detail.
Table 57. OpenEdge DataServer for Oracle Utilities menu
Menu item
Create DataServer Schema...
Creates a schema image for an Oracle database
Update/Add Table Definitions...
Updates the schema image to reflect any changes you made to the Oracle data definitions
Verify Table Definition...
Verifies that the data definitions in the schema image match your Oracle data definitions
Edit Connection Information...
Changes connection information or the logical database name in a schema image
Change DataServer Schema Code Page...
Changes the code page in a schema image
Server Attributes
Provides an interface to create, view, and maintain server attributes, and define constraint definitions in your OpenEdge database that can be migrated to the server. Constraint definitions are applied to the columns and indexes of the foreign database during migration and become metadata in your OpenEdge schema holder
Delete DataServer Schema...
Deletes a schema image
Run ORACLE SQL *Plus...
Modifies your Oracle database with SQL*PLUS commands
Schema Migration Tools
Accesses utilities for migrating an OpenEdge database to an Oracle database, incrementally migrating a schema to Oracle, adjusting a schema image, and performing a bulk load of data
When you access an Oracle utility, you might see a dialog box for verifying your user ID and password. Choose OK, or enter a new user ID and password with the privileges required for creating and updating a schema image. See The schema holder for more information.
Note: The DataServer makes an additional connection to the schema holder when it creates, updates, or verifies a schema image. If you are connecting to multiple databases or schema images, make sure that you set the Number of Databases (-h) parameter to a value that accommodates the number of databases and schema images plus one.