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DataServer for Oracle
The DataServer Tutorial : OpenEdge DB-to-Oracle utility : Oracle size limitations

Oracle size limitations

The limitations that Oracle and OpenEdge place on the number of columns or fields per table are important issues to consider when you plan a migration:
*OpenEdge — 32,000 fields per table
*Oracle — Refer to your Oracle documentation for limits
When you use the OpenEdge DB-to-Oracle utility to create an Oracle database, it adds columns to an Oracle table to accommodate OpenEdge functionality (see table An OpenEdge DB-to-Oracle database conversion). Because Oracle limits the maximum number of columns, you must plan for the additional columns generated by the utility when you create the database schema.
When you design the OpenEdge database tables that you want to make compatible with Oracle, leave enough columns free for the migration utility to use. The following table lists how many columns each OpenEdge object requires on an Oracle table.
Table 62. Columns required by OpenEdge objects
Database object
Number of columns
Record ID
One per table
One per array element
* Column names
* Column width