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DataServer for Oracle
Connecting the DataServer : Starting the remote DataServer : Starting the DataServer in the Unified Broker framework : On the UNIX host
On the UNIX host
Use the Unified Broker framework command-line interface to run DataServer processes on the UNIX host. To configure the DataServer, see Configuring the DataServer in the Unified Broker framework.
Start the DataServer broker, enter this command at the system prompt on the machine where the broker will run:
oraman -name broker-name -start
Where broker-name is the name you gave the broker when you configured it.
You can run the broker from a remote machine. In that case, you specify additional options that identify the remote host. For example:
oraman -name broker-name -start -host host-name -user user-name
where broker-name is the name you gave the broker when you configured it; host-name is the name of the host machine on which you want the broker to run; and user-name is the user ID of the system account under which the AdminServer is running. This account can be different from the one that owns the DataServer broker, which in turn can be different from the user profile you use to connect to the Oracle database.
You can also use the oraman utility to check the status of a broker. To check the status of a broker, enter this command at the system prompt on the machine where the broker is running:
oraman -name broker-name -query
To stop the DataServer broker, enter this command at the system prompt on the machine where the broker will run:
oraman -name broker-name -stop
To stop the DataServer broker, enter this command at the system prompt on the machine where the broker will run:
You can stop a broker on a remote machine by adding the -host and -user options.
See DataServer Command Line Utilities and Startup Parameters for a complete description.