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DataServer for Oracle
Connecting the DataServer : Connecting a schema holder : Connecting through Oracle Networking

Connecting through Oracle Networking

Oracle network interfaces allow you to access an Oracle RDBMS instance running on a remote machine. You do not need any OpenEdge-supplied software on the machine where Oracle is running. However, you need Oracle Networking installed on the client machine and an Oracle Listener on the machine where the Oracle instance is running.
To access an Oracle distributed database, you connect through Oracle Networking, just as you would connect to a single instance. The DataServer detects all the links that make up the distributed database. DataServer access to a distributed database is transparent and requires no additional commands or startup parameters.
To connect to an Oracle instance through Oracle Networking:
1. Make sure that the remote Oracle instance is running.
2. Make sure that Oracle Networking is running on the client machine.
3. Supply the following connection parameters in your OpenEdge startup command or parameter file, depending on the platform and configuration:
a. For a Windows client on an Oracle Networking, enter this command:
prowin32 schema-holder-name -RO -db oracle-dbname
-U userid@service-name -P password
b. For a UNIX client on an Oracle Networking, enter this command:
pro schema-holder-name -db oracle-dbname
-U userid@service-name -P password
For example, the following command starts OpenEdge on a UNIX machine, connects a local schema holder oholder in read-only mode and connects the remote Oracle instance orademo and uses the service oserviceA. The username is scott and the password is tiger, as shown:
pro oholder -RO -db oradb -U scott@oserviceA -P tiger
If you are connected through Oracle Networking, the OpenEdge USERID function returns scott@oserviceA, instead of just scott.
If you use Oracle Networking, the service name must be part of the username or password. You can use one of these forms:
CONNECT <logical name> -U <user@service-name> -P <password>

CONNECT <logical name> -U <user/password@service-name>

CONNECT <logical name> -U <user> -P <password@service-name>
* Connecting with external credentials