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OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for ODBC
Configuring the DataServer : Creating a schema holder : Establishing permissions : Permissions for connecting a schema holder
Permissions for connecting a schema holder
When you connect to a schema holder, you can optionally also connect to an ODBC data source. To connect to the data source, you must provide a valid data-source login name and password combination at connection time (if required by the non-OpenEdge data source). Use the User ID (-U) parameter to provide the user ID and the Password (-P) parameter to provide the password.
Your DataServer application must have the minimum data-source permission required to access data-source tables to validate schema information and allow multiple users to access tables. For example, for Sybase data sources, your application must have at least select permission on the syscolumns, sysobjects, and sysusers system objects. For details, see the documentation for your data source.