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OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for ODBC
Programming Considerations : Database design issues : OpenEdge sequences

OpenEdge sequences

A sequence generator is a database object that provides incremental values within any integer range. (With an OpenEdge sequence, you can specify any positive or negative increment range). The DataServer for ODBC simulates support for sequences for the Sybase and MS SQL Server Version 6.5 data sources only using stored procedures. OpenEdge sequences are not migrated to foreign data sources for other target database servers. Even in cases where the foreign data source supports sequences, they cannot be pulled into the schema image of an OpenEdge DataServer's schema holder.
Since the schema holder that ODBC DataServer uses to hold schema is also an OpenEdge database, it is possible to define sequences to a schema holder database itself and then use OpenEdge sequences in your DataServer application in lieu of native sequences at the data source.