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OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for ODBC
Programming Considerations : Cursors


A cursor points to consecutive records in a table. ABL uses cursors to keep track of where it is in a table; for example, when it processes FOR EACH statements. Suppose that you are reading records from the customer table using the custnum index, and your current record is customer number 50. This means that ABL has a cursor positioned at custnum 50. Note that ABL maintains cursor positioning across queries.
The DataServer allows applications that access ODBC data sources to imitate OpenEdge cursor behavior for FIND cursors. FOR EACH and OPEN QUERY statements do not retain cursor position across other queries or against a FIND statement.
This section discusses the following cursor-related activities:
*Forward and backward scrolling
*Block cursors
For details about firehose and fast forward-only cursors, see OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for Microsoft SQL Server.
In this section: 
* Forward and backward scrolling
* Block cursors