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OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for ODBC
Configuring the DataServer : Typical configuration for a remote client to connect to a remote DataServer : Connecting remote clients to an ODBC DataServer broker

Connecting remote clients to an ODBC DataServer broker

This section describes a typical configuration for a remote client to connect to a remote DataServer.
Note: For a description of each parameter identified in this section, see OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for Microsoft® SQL Server.
Use the following command line entries for a remote character or a remote UNIX client machine:
_progres schemaholdername -H hostname -S databaseservice -N tcp -db dsn_name -dt ODBC -ld logical-datasrc-name -H hostname -S brokerservice -N tcp -U userID -P password
Use the following command line entries for a remote GUI client machine:
prowin32 schemaholdername -H hostname -S databaseservice -N tcp -db dsn_name -dt ODBC -ld logical-datasrc-name -H hostname -S brokerserice -N tcp -U userID -P password
For details about the database connection parameters noted in each example in this procedure, see Connecting a schema holder at startup.