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OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for ODBC
Configuring the DataServer : Configuring the remote DataServer

Configuring the remote DataServer

In configurations that include a remote host, two DataServer processes run on the host machine:
*Broker — The DataServer broker (_probrkr.exe) or the broker for the Progress Explorer on the host machine determines the types of requests coming over the network and starts (spawns) the appropriate DataServer (_odbsrv.exe) for the client process.
*DataServer — The DataServer (_odbsrv.exe) on the host machine accesses the ODBC data source and communicates with the client process.
Note: The ODBC DataServer component is a client with respect to the ODBC data-source configuration even though from the OpenEdge point-of-view it resides on the server machine. As a result, your ODBC software installation and any client software required by the data source must reside on the machine from which the DataServer and the broker processes will execute. In the remote DataServer configuration, the OpenEdge ODBC client component requires no special software or configuration; it requires only a standalone OpenEdge Windows or UNIX client. OpenEdge has no restrictions regarding the location of the actual database to which your ODBC data-source name connects.
Before you can run the server components, you must configure the DataServer by setting the required environment variables on the host machine. In Windows you use the Progress Explorer tool or command line tools. See Configuring with Progress Explorer or Configuring from the command line for details.
In this section: 
* Configuring with Progress Explorer
* Configuring from the command line