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Database Administration
Database Basics : Creating and Deleting Databases : Ways to create an OpenEdge database

Ways to create an OpenEdge database

There are several ways to create an OpenEdge database. You can use:
*A structure description file with the PROSTRCT CREATE utility
*The PRODB utility
*The Data Dictionary if you are using a graphical interface or a character interface
*The Data Administration if you are using a graphical interface
*The PROCOPY utility
*The PROREST utility
*An OpenEdge Release 10 database, and convert it to OpenEdge Release 11 format
When you create a database, you can create either of the following:
*A new but empty database
*A copy of an existing database
Note: Do not create your database in the OpenEdge Install directory or in any subdirectory of the Install directory. Databases residing in these directories cannot be opened.