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Maintaining and Monitoring Your Database : Maintaining Database Structure : Using the OpenEdge Structure Remove utility

Using the OpenEdge Structure Remove utility

Use the Structure Remove (PROSTRCT REMOVE) utility to remove extents from storage areas. After all the extents are removed from a storage area, PROSTRCT REMOVE removes the storage area.
Us the following steps to remove storage areas:
1. Truncate the area, based on its type:
*If the extent to be removed is in the BI area, use the PROUTIL TRUNCATE BI utility to truncate the primary recovery area to be removed. For example:
proutil db-name -C truncate bi
*If the storage area to be removed is an application data area, use the PROUTIL TRUNCATE AREA utility to truncate the application data area. For example:
proutil db-name -C truncate area area-name
Note: You must disable after-imaging before you can remove an AI extent. You must also disable two-phase commit before you can remove a transaction-log (TL) extent.
For more information about truncating areas, see PROUTILTRUNCATE AREA qualifier.
2. Use PROSTRCT REMOVE to remove extents from the storage area.
For example:
prostrct remove db-nameextent-type-token [area-name]
Note: Use the area-name parameter only to remove application data extents. If the area name contains a space, supply double-quotes around the area name. For example: "test data."
You can remove one extent at a time. After you have removed all of the extents from a storage area, PROSTRCT REMOVE removes the storage area and outputs descriptive information such as:
solaris:100a$ prostrct remove service d chris
/user/joe/service_9.d3 successfully removed
solaris:100a$ prostrct remove service d chris
/user/joe/service_9.d2 successfully removed
solaris:100a$ prostrct remove service d chris
/user/joe/service_9.d1 successfully removed
3. Run PROSTRCT LIST after removing any areas. PROSTRCT LIST will overwrite your existing .st file to reflect the changes made to the structure of your database.