You can adjust the value of the threshold by providing a valid threshold value for the PROQUIET command on systems with an Enterprise database license. The value can be increased above the current value or reduced to a value of one cluster larger than the recovery log file size at the time the PROQUIET command is issued.
To adjust the BI threshold:
1. Use the PROQUIET command to enable a database quiet point:
proquiet db-name enable
db-name is the name of the database for which you want to adjust the BI threshold.
During a database quiet processing point, all file write activity to the database is stopped. Any processes that attempt to start a transaction while the quiet point is enabled must wait until you disable the database quiet processing point.
2. Adjust the threshold size using the -bithreshold parameter:
proquiet db-name -bithreshold n
db-name specifies the name of the database for which you want to adjust the BI threshold.
n specifies the new value for the threshold.
3. Use the PROQUIET command to disable the quiet point: