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Database Administration
Protecting Your Data : Distributed Transaction Processing : Two-phase commit with ABL clients : Two-phase commit and roll-forward recovery
Two-phase commit and roll-forward recovery
If you use two-phase commit, you should also use after-imaging to ensure database integrity and avoid backup synchronization problems. Although two-phase commit ensures that distributed databases remain synchronized, it does not protect you from a lost database or BI file. If you lose an entire file or disk, you must use the AI file and roll-forward recovery to return to the point of the crash.
Keep the following information in mind when performing roll-forward recovery using RFUTIL:
*If you perform roll-forward recovery on a database that has after-imaging and two-phase commit enabled, RFUTIL disables after-imaging and two-phase commit.
*When you roll forward an after-image file that contains coordinator transaction end notes, RFUTIL writes a transaction log file containing the notes. Also, if two-phase commit is not enabled, RFUTIL enables two-phase commit for the coordinator database.
See Recoveringa Database for more information about roll-forward recovery and after-imaging.