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Database Administration
Reference : Virtual System Tables : Virtual system table summaries : Table statistics (_TableStat)
Table statistics (_TableStat)
The _TableStat VST displays statistics on the number of accesses to a specific range of tables.1
Field name
Data type
Number of times create access has occurred to the table
Number of times delete access has occurred to the table
Number of times read access has occurred to the table
Represents the table number. The _TableStat table is identified by the table number. The _TableStat-id field of the first row of the _TableStat table is equal to or greater than the value specified by the -basetable startup parameter.
Number of table reads from disk since the database was started; only valid for tables in a Type II area
Partition Id of the table
Number of times update access has occurred to the table

1 Activity and status of ABL temp-tables is available in this virtual system table. The statistics gathered allow you to monitor the operation and performance of deployed client temp-tables. Specify the range of temp-tables to track with the -ttbasetable and -tttablerangesize startup parameters. Specify temp table indexes with -ttbaseindex and -ttindexrangesize startup parameters. For more information monitoring and debugging temp tables with VSTs, see OpenEdge Development: Debugging and Troubleshooting.