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Database Administration
Reference : PROMON Utility : R&D Administrative Functions : Server Options
Server Options
This option allows you to change server options or terminate a server.

PROMON Server Options display

The following shows the Server Options display:
05/24/12         OpenEdge Release 11 Monitor (R&D)
18:19:16         Server Options

                 1. Server network message wait time:             2 seconds
                 2. Delay first prefetch message:                 Enabled
                 3. Prefetch message fill percentage:             0 %
                 4. Minimum records in prefetch message:          16
                 5. Suspension queue poll priority:               0
                 7. Terminate a server
8. User notify time: 0

Enter a number, P, T, or X (? for help):
Choose one of the following options:
*Server network message wait time — Enables you to dynamically adjust the value of the Server network message wait time (-Nmsgwait) parameter.
*Delay first prefetch message — Enables you to dynamically adjust the value of the Delay first prefetch message (-prefetchDelay) parameter.
*Prefetch message fill percentage — Enables you to dynamically adjust the value of the Prefetch message fill percentage (-prefetchFactor) parameter.
*Suspension queue poll priority — Enables you to dynamically adjust the value of the Suspension queue poll priority (-prefetchNumRecs) parameter.
*Terminate a Server — Enables you to select a server for termination. The following shows the Terminate a Server display.
12/18/11        OpenEdge Release 11 Monitor (R&D)
15:38:45 Terminate a Server

Sv Pend. Cur. Max. Port
No Pid Type Protocol Logins Users Users Users Num
0 19952 Login 0 0 0 4 0
1 17872 Login TCP 0 0 0 5 2054
2 0 Inactive 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 Inactive 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 Inactive 0 0 0 0 0

Enter server number, <return> (to continue), or P (previous menu):
*User notify time — Enables you to dynamically adjust the value of the Database Client Notification poll time (-usernotifytime) parameter. If changing from 0 to a non-zero value, only new clients recognize the new value.