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Database Administration
Reference : RFUTIL Utility : RFUTIL ROLL FORWARD OPLOCK qualifier


The OPLOCK qualifier provides the ability to enforce a protection mechanism during the roll forward process, preventing interruption to the target database before the final roll forward session is completed.


rfutil db-name -C roll forward oplock {-a ai-name|-ailist listfile}


Specifies the database you are using.
-a ai-name
Identifies the AI name of the specified database.
-ailist listfile
Identifies a file containing a list of AI area files. The listfile file must be structured as follows:
*Specify one AI file per line
*AI file names can be fully specified absolute file name or a relative file name relative to the working directory where RFUTIL is executed
*Lines that begin with a colon (:), hash mark (#), or asterisk (*) are treated as comments and skipped over for parsing
Note: If you specify a list of AI files with -ailist and a file is not an after-image file, a warning is issued and the file is skipped.


All qualifiers accepted by ROLL FORWARD are also accepted by ROLL FORWARD OPLOCK. See RFUTILROLL FORWARD qualifier for details.