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Database Administration
Reference : RFUTIL Utility : RFUTIL AIMAGE SCAN qualifier


Scans AI files and displays information from those files.


rfutil db-name -C aimage scan [ verbose ]{-a ai-name|-ailist listfile}


Specifies the database you are using.
Provides more information from the AI area, including the transaction number, the date and time the transaction began or ended, and the user ID of the user who initiated the transaction. You might want to try this on a small test AI area before running it on the after-image file associated with your database.
-a ai-name
Identifies the AI area of the specified database.
-ailist listfile
Identifies a file containing a list of AI area files. The listfile file must be structured as follows:
*Specify one AI file per line
*AI file names can be fully specified absolute file name or a relative file name relative to the working directory where RFUTIL is executed
*Lines that begin with a colon (:), hash mark (#), or asterisk (*) are treated as comments and skipped over for parsing
Note: If you specify a list of AI files with -ailist and a file is not an after-image file, a warning is issued and the file is skipped.


*The AIMAGE SCAN qualifier fails if:
*You omit the After-image Filename (-a) or AI List (-ailist) parameter
*It cannot open the AI area
*The specified database does not have to be the database that corresponds to the AI area. You can use a dummy database to use this command with an AI area for an online database.