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Reference : PROMON Utility : R&D Adjust Monitor Options

R&D Adjust Monitor Options

Displays parameters controlling the PROMON display and allows you to change them.

PROMON Adjust Monitor Options menu

The following shows the Adjust Monitor Options menu.
12/18/11        OpenEdge Release 11 Monitor (R&D)
16:19:34        Adjust Monitor Options

               1. Display page length:           : 24 lines
               2. Clear screen for first page:   : Yes
               3. Monitor sampling interval:     : 10 seconds
               4. Pause between displays:        : 10 seconds
               5. Pause between screens:         : 5 seconds
               6. Number of auto repeats:        : 10
               7. Change working area:           : All areas
               8. Sort user lists                : by user number
               9. Tenant filter for user lists   : None
Adjust Monitor Options displays the following information:
*Display page length — The number of lines on the terminal screen
*Clear screen for first page — If Yes, the system clears the screen before the main menu and before every list
*Monitor sampling interval — The interval at which PROMON samples data, in seconds
*Pause between displays — The delay between pages of output when in continuous monitoring mode, in seconds (type u for the Continue uninterrupted option)
*Pause between screens — The delay after the last page of output when in continuous monitoring mode, in seconds
*Number of auto repeats — The number of times the display is repeated when auto repeat is selected on the activity displays
*Change working area — Displays the area being monitored; by default, PROMON monitors all areas
*Sort user lists — Toggles the user list sort between sorting by user number or tenant Id
*Tenant filter for user lists — Allows you to filter by one or many tenants using the Currently Connect Tenants screen.
Note: To change a monitor option value, enter the option number, and then enter the new value as prompted.