Partition management option to alter the state a partition of a partitioned table.
proutil db-name -C partitionmanage alter table table-name { partition table-partition-name| composite initial } state { read-only | read-write }
Specifies the database where you are performing partition management.
table table-name
Specifies the table for the PARTITIONMANAGE ALTER operation.
partition table-partition-name
Specifies the partition to alter.
composite initial
Specifies that the composite initial partition of the table is being altered.
state { read-only | read-write }
Specifies the new state for ALTER to change the partition to.
The partition can be in one of two states:
read-only — The data of the partition can not be changed. Language clients can only read the data. For a list of utility access permitted, see below.
read-write — Language clients can read, write, create, and delete data in the partition (provided that access is not restricted at a higher level, such as user-level security with a can-* permission in ABL).
PARTITIONMANAGE ALTER is used to change the state of a partition between read-write and read-only.
The following operations are permitted on a read-only partition:
READ the data and indexes
Perform table-level schema changes:
Add fields
Add indexes
Add triggers
Delete indexes
Execute database utilities that perform physical location changes, for example, PARTITIONMANAGE SPLIT, PARTITIONMANAGE MERGE, and TABLEMOVE.
PARTITIONMANAGE SPLIT has the following restrictions:
Read-Only source to Read-Only target(s) is allowed
Read-Write source to Read-Only target(s) is allowed
Read-Only source to Read-Write target(s) is not allowed
PARTITIONMANAGE MERGE has the following restrictions:
Read-Only source(s) to Read-Only target is allowed
Read-Write source(s) to Read-Only target is allowed
Read-Only source(s) to Read-Write target is not allowed
Execute database utilities that only perform read operation of the data, for example, BINARY DUMP, TABANALYS.
Execute database utilities that only change the format of the data, but not the data itself. For example encrypting, decrypting, or changing the code page.
Execute database utilities that only operate on indexes, for example, IDXBUILD, IDXCOMPACT, IDXCHECK, TPIDXBUILD. Operations within IDXFIX that operate on indexes only are also permitted.
Execute rescue operations with DBTOOL.
Restore from a backup (PROREST) and after-imaging roll forward (RFUTIL). A read-only partition can be overwritten by a restore operation. The final state of the partition depends on the information restored from the backup.
PARTITIONMANAGE ALTER can be performed when the database is online or offline.