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Database Administration
Reference : PROUTIL Utility : PROUTIL DATAMOVE qualifier


Moves table or sequence data from a multi-tenant source database to a multi-tenant target database for a tenant or group.
Caution: Both the source and target databases must be enabled and configured for multi-tenancy. The source database must be in restricted mode for DATAMOVE to execute. See PROUTILDBRESTRICT qualifier for details on restricting access.


proutil db-name -C datamove
 [ source source-db-name
     [ [ tenant tenant-name {[table table-name]|[sequence sequence-name]} |
       [ group group-name table table-name]
       [ recs n] ]
 [ clear all ]


Specifies the database receiving the data of the move.
source source-db-name
Specifies the source database sending the data of the move.
tenant tenant-name
Specifies the tenant receiving the data of the move. If tenant-name is not valid, DATAMOVE exits with an error.
group group-name
Specifies the group receiving the data of the move. If group-name is not valid, DATAMOVE exits with an error.
table table-name
Specifies the table receiving the data of the move. If table-name is not valid, DATAMOVE exits with an error.
sequence sequence-name
Specifies the sequence receiving the data of the move. If sequence-name is not valid, DATAMOVE exits with an error.
recs n
Specifies the number of records to process in one transaction. If you omit this parameter, DATAMOVE processes 100 records per transaction by default.
clear all
Removes all DATAMOVE state information from db-name. The clear all option is only used if db-name needs to be used with a version of OpenEdge earlier than Release 11.3.0 and a DATAMOVE operation terminated prior to completion.
If only the destination (db-name) database and source (source-db-name) databases are specified, and both databases are in multi-user mode, a menu-driven user interface starts.
The user interface for DATAMOVE allows you to specify multiple tables or sequences to be moved. DATAMOVE moves the data for each table or sequence in parallel by starting a new process for each one.
The user interface main menu is shown in the following figure.
Table 94. PROUTIL DATAMOVE main menu
Progress OpenEdge Tenant/Group Data Move

Source Database     : source_db
Destination Database: dest_db

1. Move Table Data by Tenant
2. Move Sequence Data by Tenant
3. Move Table Data by Group
4. Set Records per Transaction ( Current: 100 )
5. Quit

Enter your selection:
For a description of using the user interface, see Step 3: Moving data with PROUTIL DATAMOVE


*Both the restored and target databases must be enabled for multi-tenancy
*The restored and target databases must have identical schema
*The tables instance objects must be allocated
*The tables must have indexes activated
*Dropped object are not supported (only deleted data can be recovered, not table or sequence definitions)
*The restored and target databases must be local (no remote connections)
*You can execute multiple data move commands simultaneously only if both databases are running in multi-user mode