Note: The bulk loader works only with OpenEdge databases. Some non-OpenEdge databases offer a similar bulk-loading tool. If such a tool is not available, use the standard load option in the Data Administration tool or Data Dictionary. BULKLOAD deactivates indexes on the tables being loaded. Indexes should be rebuilt before accessing data.
Century Year Offset startup parameter; n specifies a four-digit year (1900, for example) that determines the start of a 100-year period in which any two-digit DATE value is defined. The default is 1950, but the -yy n value must match the -yy n value used when the data was dumped.
Identifies the bulk loader description file you are using.
tenant tenant-name
Specifies that the BULKLOAD operation is to load data into the partition owned by tenant-name. If tenant-name is not valid, BULKLOAD exits with an error. Specifying tenant is only allowed on databases enabled for multi-tenancy.
group group-name
Specifies that the BULKLOAD operation is to load data into the partition owned by group-name. If group-name is not valid, BULKLOAD exits with an error. Specifying group is only allowed on databases enabled for multi-tenancy.
Specifies that the BULKLOAD operation is to load data for the table partition partition-name. If partition-name is not valid, BULKLOAD exits with an error. Specifying partition is only allowed on partitioned tables in databases enabled for table partitioning.
composite initial
Specifies that the BULKLOAD operation is to load data for the composite initial partition of the specified table. Specifying composite initial is only allowed on partitioned tables in databases enabled for table partitioning.
datadir directory-name
Specifies the location of the data (.d) files. If not specified, BULKLOAD looks in the current directory.
-B n
Blocks in Database Buffers startup parameter; n specifies the number of blocks.
You must create the bulk loader description file and load the data definitions (.df) files for the database before you can run the Bulk Loader utility. See Dumping andLoading for information about creating the bulk loader description file and loading data definitions files.
You cannot use BULKLOAD to load protected audit data. For more information on auditing and utility security and restrictions, see Auditing impact on database utilities
If you do not specify group or tenant for a multi-tenant table, BULKLOAD loads the data into the default partition.
For a partitioned table, if you specify a partition or composite initial, BULKLOAD loads data for that partition only, and reports on the number of records skipped that do not belong in the specified partition. If you do not specify a partition, but are loading a partitioned table, BULKLOAD loads each record into the appropriate partition of the table.
When loading a partitioned table, if any partitions cannot be written to, a warning is issued, and the load proceeds; if no partitions can be written to, BULKLOAD exits with an error message.