Specifies the number of BI clusters to preformat for a database.
proutil db-name -C bigrow n [ -r ]
Specifies the database where you want to create BI clusters.
Specifies the number of BI clusters to create for the specified database.
Nonreliable I/O startup parameter; turns off reliability.
You can calculate the number of BI clusters for a database by dividing the BI file physical size by the BI cluster size. For example, a database BI file with a BI cluster size of 128K and a physical size of 917,504 has 7 BI clusters.
By default, four BI clusters are created at startup. Any BI clusters specified by n are added to the original four.
The database must be offline to use the BIGROW qualifier.
Use the BIGROW qualifier immediately after truncating the BI file.