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Database Administration
Reference : PROUTIL Utility : PROUTIL 2PHASE BEGIN qualifier


Enables two-phase commit for an OpenEdge database.


proutil db-name -C 2phase begin [ -crd | -tp nickname]...


Specifies the database you are using.
Specifies that the database receive top priority when PROUTIL assigns a coordinator database. If you do not specify a database, PROUTIL randomly assigns a coordinator database from the available databases.
Specifying a single coordinator database can greatly simplify the process of resolving limbo transactions because PROUTIL does not have to consult several different coordinating databases.
-tp nickname
Identifies a unique nickname or alternate name that PROUTIL uses to identify the coordinator database. If you do not specify a nickname, PROUTIL automatically assigns the name of the database without the .db extension as the nickname.
Specifying a nickname simplifies resolving limbo transactions when two databases have the same pathname but are on different machines.


*You cannot use the PROUTIL 2PHASE BEGIN qualifier against a database that is online.
*A TL (Transaction Log) area is required to hold the transaction log data generated when two-phase commit is in use. You must create and maintain a TL area for your database in order to use two-phase commit.