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Database Administration
Reference : PROSTRCT Utility : PROSTRCT UNLOCK qualifier


Allows you to access a damaged database structure and correct inconsistencies between the creation date and the open date in the database file header block and the master block. This is especially useful when trying to force open a database or when recovering a lost database file.
Caution: Use this utility as a last resort. Call Technical Support for further direction.


prostrct unlock db-name  [ -extents ]


Specifies the database where you want to force access.
Replaces missing extents with empty extents if any database files are missing.


*When the database finds an inconsistency among the data and recovery log, it generates an error message and stops any attempt to open the database. Typically, inconsistencies between files are a result of accidental misuse of operating system copy utilities, deletion mistakes, or incorrectly administered backup and restore procedures.
*If the first data file (.d1) is missing, the database cannot open because of the missing master block. PROSTRCT UNLOCK with the -extents parameter, however, creates an empty file with the same name and location as the missing file that allows the database to open. This function helps enable access to a severely damaged database.
*PROSTRCT UNLOCK does not repair damaged databases. It opens databases with inconsistencies in dates and missing extents, but these databases still need to be repaired before they can be used. For information on repairing databases, see Restoringa database.