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Database Administration
Reference : PROMON Utility : PROMON Database Status option

PROMON Database Status option

Displays database block usage statistics and general status information.

Sample output for PROMON Database Status option

The following shows an example of this option's output.
                      Database version number: 4266
                               Database state: Open (1)
                       Database damaged flags: None (0)
                              Integrity flags: Executing with -r (0)
                  Database block size (bytes): 4096
              Total number of database blocks: 1417
              Database blocks high water mark: 1375
            Free blocks below high water mark: 116
                Record blocks with free space: 3
              Before image block size (bytes): 8192
               Before-image cluster size (kb): 512
               After image block size (bytes): 8192
                        Last transaction number: 169
                    Highest file number defined: 0
                 Database create (multi-volume): 08/04/11 16:05
                      Most recent database open: 08/04/11 14:19
                         Previous database open: 08/04/11 14:19
                  Local Schema cache time stamp: 08/04/11 20:47
                      Most recent .bi file open: 08/04/11 14:20
                         Previous .bi file open: - -
                    Time since last truncate bi: 0 (seconds)
                        Most recent full backup: 08/03/11 15:06
                  Database changed since backup: Yes
                 Most recent incremental backup: - -
                   Sequence of last incremental: 0
Database Restrict Mode: Disabled

       RETURN - repeat, U - continue uninterrupted, Q - quit
Because most of the Database Status option output is self-explanatory, this list describes only five items:
Database state
The state of the database, as set in the database master block:
Database state
The database is open
The database is not modified since the last open
The database is being recovered
A database restore is underway
An index repair is underway
Total number of database blocks
The actual database size in disk blocks.
Number of empty blocks
The number of empty blocks in the database. Empty blocks are created when the database outgrows its existing block allocation, and also by record and index deletion. The database engine expands the database by multiple blocks at a time—usually 8 or 16—and most of these are empty at first. Typically, the number of empty blocks increases and decreases as the database grows.
Record blocks with free space
Free space is created when records are deleted and when the database grows into a new block, but does not use the entire block. The database engine reuses empty space with new records when possible, but does not return empty space to the operating system. This space does not affect database performance. However, if you must reclaim this disk space for your system, you can dump and reload the database.
Time since last truncate bi
The time in seconds since the before-image file was truncated. When the BI file is truncated, all modified database blocks are written to disk.