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Database Administration
Reference : PROMON Utility : PROMON 2PC Transactions Control option

PROMON 2PC Transactions Control option

Displays information about distributed two-phase commit transactions in a database.

Sample output for PROMON 2PC Transaction Control option

The following shows an example of this option's output.
Transaction Control:
Usr  Name   Trans   Login   Time   R-comm?   Limbo?   Crd?  Coord  Crd-task
  2  paul   757  07/25/01   10:15    yes      yes      no   sports1   760
      .    .     .      .           .   .         .         .     .      .
      .    .     .      .           .   .         .         .     .      .
      .    .     .      .           .   .         .         .     .      .

RETURN - repeat, U - continue uninterrupted, Q - quit
Note: If you run PROMON against a database where no limbo transaction has occurred, PROMON does not display any field information on the Transaction Control screen.
The number of the user running the distributed transaction.
The name of the user running the distributed transaction.
The transaction number on the machine where you are running PROMON.
The date the user running the distributed transaction began the session.
The time the user running the distributed transaction began the session.
The state of the transaction. If this field is yes, the transaction is in a ready-to-commit state. This means that the first phase of two-phase commit is complete.
If a transaction is a limbo transaction. If one or more limbo transactions occur, the Limbo field displays a yes for each transaction listed. A yes in this field means that you must resolve transactions.
If the database you are running PROMON against is the coordinator.
The name of the coordinator database.
The transaction number of the coordinator database.