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Database Administration
Reference : Other Database Administration Utilities : PRODB utility

PRODB utility

Creates a new OpenEdge database.


prodb [new-db-name ]
      [ empty | sports | isports | sports2000 | old-db-name | demo ]
      [ -newinstance ]


Specifies the name of the database you are creating. If you specify a directory without a filename, PRODB returns an error.
The value you specify can be any combination of letters and numbers, starting with a letter. Do not use ABL keywords or special characters, such as commas or semicolons. The maximum length of new-db-name varies, depending on the underlying operating system. See OpenEdge RDBMSLimits for details on specific limits.
Specifies that the new database is a copy of the empty database located in the OpenEdge install directory. PRODB knows where to locate the empty database, so you do not need to provide a pathname to it.
In addition to the default empty database, PRODB allows you to create other empty database structures with different block sizes:
*empty (default).
*empty1 (1K block size).
*empty2 (2K block size).
*empty4 (4K block size).
*empty8 (8K block size).
To create these empty database structures, however, you must specify the pathname to where OpenEdge is installed, or use the DLC environment variable. For example, use the following command:
prodb new-db-name $DLC/empty2
Specifies that the new database is a copy of the Sports database.
Specifies that the new database is a copy of the international Sports database.
Specifies that the new database is a copy of the Sports2000 database.
Specifies the name of the database you are copying.
Specifies that the new database is a copy of the demo database.
Specifies that a new GUID be created for the target database.
PRODB creates a new database from a specified source database. PRODB creates a new database using the structure of the source database and places all of the extents in the current working directory. You can use PRODB to make a copy of any of the demonstration or empty databases.


*You can also create a new database from the Data Dictionary. See the Data Dictionary online Help, or OpenEdge Development: Basic Database Tools for more information.
*When you use the PRODB utility and give the copy a new name, you cannot run the original r-code against the new database. This is because PRODB saves the database with the r-code. To run the r-code against the new database, use the Logical Database Name (-ld) startup parameter and use the original database name.
*A new database must contain the same physical structure as the source. For example, it must have the same number of storage areas, records, blocks, and blocksize.
*Databases supplied in the install directory for this release, contain the field for a database GUID, but the field contains the Unknown value (?) rather than a valid GUID. When PRODB is used to copy one of these databases, the GUID field of the target database is automatically set.
*PRODB supports the use of internationalization startup parameters such as -cpinternal codepage and -cpstream codepage. See DatabaseStartup Parameters for a description of each database-related internationalization startup parameter.
*When issuing the PRODB command, specify the target and source database names (they are positional) before specifying an internationalization startup parameter such as -cpinternal.
*PRODB also supports the parameter file (-pf) startup parameter that contains a list of valid startup parameters.