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Database Administration
Maintaining and Monitoring Your Database : Maintaining Database Structure : OpenEdge Structure List utility

OpenEdge Structure List utility

Your structure description file must reflect the current information in your database control area to ensure continuity and ease database management. Therefore, update the structure description file any time you make changes to the structure of a database, such as adding, moving, or removing extents. Use the Structure List (PROSTRCT LIST) utility to update your structure description file. PROSTRCT LIST produces a new structure description file for the database you name, using the current information stored in the database control area.
Note: You can use PROSTRCT LIST with an online database.
To update the structure description file with the current information stored in the database control area, use the PROSTRCT LIST utility:
prostrct list db-name[ structure-description-file ]
In the command, db-name specifies the database whose structure description file you want to update, and structure-description-file specifies the structure description file to create. If you do not specify the structure description file, PROSTRCT LIST uses the base name of the database and appends a .st extension. It replaces an existing file of the same name.
For example, to update the structure description file for /user/joe/service, enter the following command:
prostrct list /user/joe/service
PROSTRCT LIST displays the information it produces in the structure description file, including storage area type, storage area name, records per block, extent pathname, and extent type, either fixed or variable (a size of 0 indicates a variable-length extent). For example:
AreaName: ControlArea, Type 6, Block Size 4096, Extents 1, Records/Blck 32,
Cluster Size 1
   Ext # 1, Type VARIABLE, Size 32 KByte, Name: /user/joe/service.db

AreaName: Primary Recovery Area, Type 3, Block Size 8192, Extents 1
   Ext # 1, Type VARIABLE, Size 2176 KByte, Name: /usrer/joe/service.b1

AreaName: Transaction Log Area, Type 4, Block Size 16384, Extents 1
   Ext # 1, Type FIXED , Size 1024, Name:/user/joe/service.t1

AreaName: Schema Area, Type 6, Block Size 1024, Extents 1, Records/Blck 32,
Cluster Size 1
   Ext # 1, Type VARIABLE, Size 960 KByte, Name: /user/joe/service.d1

AreaName: After Image Area 1, Type 7, Block Size 8192, Extents 1
   Ext # 1, Type FIXED , Size 32, Name: /user/joe/service.a1

AreaName: service, Type 6, Blck Size 1024, Extents 6, Records/Block 32,
Cluster Size 1
   Ext # 1, Type FIXED , Size 32, Name:/user/joe/service_8.d1
   Ext # 2, Type FIXED , Size 32, Name:/user/joe/service_8.d2
   Ext # 3, Type FIXED , Size 32, Name:/user/joe/service_8.d3
   Ext # 4, Type FIXED , Size 32, Name:/user/joe/service_8.d4
   Ext # 5, Type FIXED , Size 32, Name:/user/joe/service_8.d5
   Ext # 6, Type VARIABLE , Size 0, Name:/user/joe/service_8.d6

AreaName: joe, Type 6, Block Size 1024, Extents 1, Records/Block 32,
Cluster Size 1
   Ext # 1, Type VARIABLE, Size 0, Name: /user/joe/yy/z/service_1000.d1