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Database Administration
Maintaining and Monitoring Your Database : Multi-tenant database : Multi-tenant database architecture : Multi-tenant features
Multi-tenant features
An OpenEdge multi-tenant database delivers the following features:
*Tenant data is managed and maintained separately and independently.
*Data can be configured for physical separation per tenant (by specific area or by cluster within a specific area on a per multi-tenant object basis).
*Resources such as database sequences are viewed by the application as a single sequence definition but cam be maintained by the database on a per tenant basis.
*Analysis utilities are accessible globally as well as on a per tenant basis. For example, PROUTIL DBANALYS can be run across the database for all tenants or for a particular tenant.
*Activity monitoring through VSTs and PROMON is provided on a per tenant basis.
*Statistical data associated with specific objects for OpenEdge SQL query optimization is accumulated on a tenant/object specific manor.
*Tenancy is identified on a user connection basis, not on a process or server connection basis. This means that regardless of which process actually requests the data (AppServer, database server or direct connection) the data retrieved will be only for the authenticated tenant asserted.
*The addition of new tenants or the deletion of existing tenants will not affect the processing of other tenants of the same physical database.
*Tenants have access to non-multi-tenant (shared) tables.
*Users without tenancy have access to non-multi-tenant (shared) tables.
*There is one set of default values per table. All tenants share the same default values.
*Authorization is extended by the languages to the tenant level (rather than on the table level).
*The same _user name is supported across tenants. In other words, joe_f can be a user associated with both Tenant 1 and Tenant 2, and they are treated as different users with separate authentication.
*Column permissions are extended to be tenant specific.
*Super-tenants have the ability to query across tenants.