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Database Administration
Maintaining and Monitoring Your Database : Logged Data : Event logging in Windows : Managing OpenEdge RDBMS events in Windows
Managing OpenEdge RDBMS events in Windows
You can define the level of event logging that you want your OpenEdge application to support by using the Event Level Environment Variable (EVTLEVEL), or the Event Level startup parameter (-evtlevel).
The table below lists valid event level values.
Table 59. Event level values
No events are written to the event log.
Messages defined as Error and Warning messages are written to the event log.
Messages defined as Error and Warning messages are written to the event log. In addition, any message that is normally written to the log file (.lg) is also written to the Event Log. This is the default.
Every message generated is written to the Event Log. Any messages generated using the Message Statement are also written to the log file.